Monday, March 28, 2011

Mondays is for drinking

Here, now, more words.

The first day of the quarter is always particularly unsettling for me, because I've developed an uncanny propensity for interpreting facial subtleties. I'm not saying I have superpowers- I'm not the Mentalist or whatever- but I've gotten pretty good at figuring out what is on someone's mind based solely on the intimations and sussorations in their manner. Unfortunately, I'm not the master of first impressions, so this leads to a lot of superficially negative feedback, which may or may not be reflective of someone's eventual opinion once they get to know me. What this does is put me on the defensive right away, and my natural instinct is to feign confidence and attempt cleverness. It's a strange cycle, and most of my college friends have an impression of me as both confident and clever. These are not two adjectives I'd ever use to describe myself, even jokingly. So, in summation, the fact that I am secretly neurotic leads to a vague standofishness, which manifests as an overwhelming sense of vain superiority which, when tempered by my self-loathing, expresses itself as confidence. But don't tell anyone, I have a reputation.